Request Learner Transcript

All Supervisor Development Program trainings are added to My Learning in your COMPLETED trainings. To request a transcript for the Supervisor Development Program (or for any professional development purposes):

  1. Navigate to the My Learning Portal login page
  2. Using your CSU eName and password, log in to the dashboard
  3. Select the MyLearning tab
  4. Select the List View (not the Grid View) to see your COMPLETED training class history
  5. Select the Export Transcript button
  6. A .csv (Excel) file will be downloaded to your device named, “FirstName LastName’s transcript.csv”

Request Transfer Credit for other Professional Development

If you have registered and completed a training that does not appear in your transcript, or to receive credit for another training taken outside of the My Learning offerings, request transfer credit.

CONDITIONS: Talent Development provides the opportunity to request up to two elective credits towards the Supervisor Development Program Certification for trainings taken outside of our class offerings. This commonly includes classes taken through our campus partners including the Office of Inclusive Excellence and the Career Center. If you have completed the Creating Inclusive Excellence Program, you can request one elective credit. If you have taken two ELEVATE Student Supervision classes, you can request one elective credit. Other trainings will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with the expectation that the training is a minimum of two hours long and focuses on leadership or supervision topics. Please note that there are no substitutions for any core or foundation trainings. Email [email protected] with any questions.