University Employee Orientation

Welcome to Colorado State University
You are invited to attend the University Employee Orientation, designed to provide helpful information about the CSU community. University Employee Orientation is scheduled on a monthly basis. We recommend you attend Orientation within your first two months of full-time employment at CSU.
The Goals of Orientation:
- Gain a sense of the CSU community and culture.
- Learn about CSU’s land-grant mission, history, and vision for the future.
- Receive a variety of information, including University resources, policies, and campus safety.
- Network with new employees across campus.
- Learn about services and discounts available to CSU employees.
Register for Orientation

Please note:
- Employee Benefits information will not be covered in University Employee Orientation. For questions about employee benefit plans for health, dental, disability, retirement, and life insurance, visit the Human Resources Website or call (970) 491-6947.
If you need accommodations (i.e. Interpreter, etc.) to participate please reach out to Nakia Lilly at least one week in advance./Para cualquier tipo de asistencia (es decir, intérprete, etc.) para poder participar, por favor, comuníquese con Nakia Lilly con al menos una semana de anticipación.
Learning the “CSU Language”
CSU staff members frequently use a lot of acronyms when communicating, whether for departments, accounting terms, buildings, and more. The online Acronym List is a useful tool.